synthesized pattern中文什么意思

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  1. For a x - directed line current with lengh much smaller than a wave length , the e - field pattern on coordinate planes in 3 - d space in the region from much smaller than line length to one or two wave length , the synthesized pattern by summation of the field of many line segments of hertz dipoles is independent of the number of segments , i . e . same field as a single hertz dipole
  2. Then it discusses the cbr employed in aoc planning and contours the planning model of military campaign . meanwhile , it raises a synthesized pattern comprising two planning techniques in view of cbr and rbr respectively and designs carefully the representation , the retrieval and the revision of the planning case of aoc under the guidance of cbr
  3. For a x - directed line current with lengh much smaller than a wave length , the e - field pattern on coordinate planes in 3 - d space in the region from much smaller than line length to one or two wave length , the synthesized pattern by summation of the field of many line segments of hertz dipoles is independent of the number of segments , i . e . same field as a single hertz dipole


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